Apparel & Goods:

Graphic Design can often be a difficult thing for folks to put hands on; in many cases, a sign of good design can be that no one notices the design at all. When it comes to products, however, there are boundless opportunities to let the creative vision shine, and because of this I’ve found myself crafting all sorts of apparel and consumer goods over the years. It can look like graphics printed on a garment, the garment itself, or the package it comes in, but any way you slice it design is a core part of the experience. Below is just a small peek at some of my favorite physical projects, including a full deck of 88 custom tarot cards that I designed as a passion project marrying hip-hop and divination. Rap Tarot™ took me 2 years to create, and hopefully the care and attention to detail can be seen in each card’s original art. They’re now available for purchase at, so if you feel like letting the Rap Gods enlighten your future, the mic’s on you.



