Creative Direction:

As careers progress and skill sets develop, widening one’s vision and working with other creators becomes paramount to the success of any given project journey. Whether you’re rolling out a large scale marketing campaign or designing experiential activations for a line of products, there will be times when there’s no way to be the production designer setting up print files, the web designer QA’ing site functions, AND the photographer coordinating product shoots all at the same time…that’s where the ability to ideate creative strategy, communicate that to teams, and coordinate the implementation of those concepts becomes essential. I’ve had lots of experience leading teams through every touchpoint of the creative process, and when the job requires more than my personal expertise I have no problem laying down the foundational framework and ensuring that the final deliverable rings true to the collective creative vision. Below are just a few examples of brands, products and campaigns under my Creative Direction. Though I personally created these brand identities, form factors, standards and concepts, it took teams of talented folks to make these brands as effective as they are — sometimes it’s about zooming out the lens, developing a strong foundation, calling on the specialized skills of creators in the trenches, and leading by example from the top down.



